About Ionization


We present to you our new amazing device that will make everyone feel safer in public spaces such as hallways, buses, trams, trains, or elevators!

Our devices remove microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, and viruses from the air.

Thanks to research conducted in 2020 in Brazil. We are confident that our devices, through air ionization, effectively reduce the COVID-19 virus from our surroundings!

Our devices operate based on a natural process: air purification through ionization. We replicate this natural air regeneration process and adapt it to the conditions present in indoor environments.

Neutral oxygen molecules are charged negatively and positively through discharges with a dielectric barrier (DBD) using a special ionization lamp. Oxygen particles are generated, which, due to their high energy potential, have the ability to neutralize and reduce germs, pathogens, and odors, both directly in the air and on surfaces.
The process of forming positive and negative ions, which occurs daily in nature, is scientifically proven.
Thanks to this technology, the hygiene conditions and air quality inside the ambulance are significantly improved. The ionized air is systematically disinfected, reducing the risk of virus transmission.
Covid-19 is reduced by up to 99.999% – without any chemicals or artificial fragrances.


We invite you to check our range of Bioclimatic devices, which can be used safely in the following applications:

Contact us using the form below or call us to discuss the installation options for our devices at your location!

Coronavirus in School: Minimize the Risk of Infection

The last year and a half has been a great challenge for everyone involved in the education system in our country, from education authorities to teachers and parents.

Especially for children, who had to cope and live with many restrictions, this period was the hardest

Due to school closures and hybrid education, our children not only have significant learning deficits, but they also cannot meet with each other, which has a significant impact on their well-being.
Social interaction, which is especially important at this age, has been significantly limited or, in some cases, completely blocked.

Looking back, one thing has become clear: our schools can only do their job through face-to-face teaching, and therefore, they must return to normal teaching in the short- and long-term perspective.

The new school year has already begun, and ahead of us are the following aspects:

What can we do to protect our children in the classroom?

We must take responsibility not only for our children but also for the entire population and eliminate the threat directly on-site.

The solution can only be achieved in the following way:

It is necessary to develop and implement an effective hygiene concept for coronavirus in schools and apply it.
skuteczne środki zapobiegawcze. Oprócz konieczności stosowania płynów do dezynfekcji, noszenia masek i zapewnienia wentylacji, more and more people are using air ionization as an additional form of protection in a given space.

Currently, concepts that use air purifiers or disinfection devices in a room are preferred to protect against indirect infection and provide additional individual protective measures to prevent direct infection pathways. Studies already conducted show that by using air ionization devices, the amount of H1N1 and Covid-19 virus in a room decreases very quickly, and these devices neutralize these viruses and bacteria by 99.99%.

A major advantage of air purifiers and air disinfection devices is that they continuously combat viruses in the room without the need to worry about opening windows for ventilation and without affecting the well-being of the people in the room.

They also offer an advantage over air conditioning systems, which are permanently integrated into buildings and operate with minimal or no outside air.
The air purifier ensures that viruses are effectively deactivated in the room where we breathe, rather than spreading throughout the building through the ventilation ducts.

BWG Climatic, thanks to Bioclimatic GmbH, offers both permanent air purification systems and mobile devices that can be adapted to any room."
Areas of application in schools include, for example, classrooms, staff rooms, cafeterias, hallways, and restrooms.

Our devices are installed in existing or new ventilation systems, directly in ceiling grids, and can also be mounted on the wall. The placement of our mobile ionization devices in a room should be properly positioned after a more detailed consultation.

Bioclimatic's air ionization technology generates positive and negative ions from oxygen molecules present in the surrounding air.
( document in German.

Our proven technology works like a purifying storm. It kills viruses directly in the air and on surfaces.
It also neutralizes pollen, mold, pollutants, and germs. Even unpleasant odors disappear. In this nature-inspired process, there are no toxic by-products.

Evidence of the effectiveness of the Bioclimatic Viroxx product line against the H1N1 influenza virus.

Evidence of the effectiveness of ionization using the Air Deco Pyramide, with regard to the COVID-19 virus.

Although air purification systems have only recently been recognized by a broader group of satisfied users, we can speak of over 40 years of experience, and research has proven the high effectiveness of our air purification systems.

Avoid the threat of the coronavirus in classrooms with our devices and bipolar ionization systems.

In the future, indoor air quality should be viewed as just as important as the quality of drinking water.

Check out our offer!

Contact us using the form below or call us to discuss the installation options for our devices in your school, with no further obligations.

Official Statement from Bioclimatic GmbH

Official statement from Bioclimatic GmbH (original text from translated).

Regarding the publication by the Federal Environment Agency (FEA) on the use and effectiveness of ionization technology in indoor spaces.

The alleged and generalized claims by the FEA, stating that air purification through ionization has not been scientifically proven and may even be risky to use, do not apply to Bioclimatic's bipolar ionization technology.

Nevertheless, we take the concerns of our customers and those interested in our products very seriously, who have confronted us with these statements from the FEA. Therefore, it is important for us to officially publish this statement:

Scientific evidence, continuous testing and inspections, verification through certification, as well as decades of positive experiences and reliable references in the global market, prove that Bioclimatic's "Made in Germany" technology is not only safe and sustainable, but also effective in its bactericidal action:

Bacteria, germs, RNA/DNA viruses, mold, and odors are verifiably removed or inactivated from the air in the room, or reduced to a minimum, without the use of chemical additives or other harmful substances. Existing pollution limits are not exceeded.

Therefore, Bioclimatic's bipolar ionization technology can reliably contribute to reducing the risk of contamination, such as by SARS-CoV-2.

We have contacted the FEA multiple times, both orally and in writing, requesting the correction or removal of the generalized claims or the provision of evidence to support them. We also clearly offered to exchange the content and presented scientific evidence, as well as references, considering that we have been successful in this field for over 40 years.

Unfortunately, to this day, no response or statement has been received from the FEA, even after multiple inquiries. We will continue to attempt to correct the misunderstanding and want to emphasize that we are referring exclusively to Bioclimatic's bipolar ionization technology and take full responsibility for it.

Ozone – Friend or Foe?

Ozone has been a popular term for many years. We hear about the ozone layer, how it is thinning, and how important it is to protect both it and ourselves. We hear about the "ozone hole" and how it has been severely depleted. Although the depletion has recently been halted thanks to new regulations, its recovery will take at least another 50 years. We also hear about ozonization and its benefits in the environment around us and in industrial applications.

However, nowadays, especially during the summer months with rising temperatures, we hear about ozone alerts in the weather. Poor air quality triggers warning signals, and ozone emissions need to be reduced, as they can be harmful to our health.

So, how can ozone be both good and bad, a friend and an enemy?
Przyjrzyjmy się bliżej.

Tlen stanowi około 21% naszej atmosfery. Pojedynczy atom tlenu jest niestabilny – chce się połączyć z czymś innym. Dlatego prawie zawsze tlen występuje w parach O2. Jednak w pewnych warunkach potrójna cząsteczka o wzorze chemicznym O3 może utworzyć: Ozon. Jest to bladoniebieski gaz o wyraźnie ostrym zapachu. Większość ludzi może wykryć w powietrzu stężenie około 0,02 ppm (40 μg / m³) lub niższe. Ma bardzo specyficzny ostry zapach, nieco przypominający wybielacz chlorowy. Całkowita masa w atmosferze wynosi około 3 miliardy ton metrycznych. To może wydawać się dużo, ale to tylko 0,00006 procent atmosfery.

Ozone is a highly reactive gas, and although it is unstable at high concentrations, it can bring valuable benefits. Its half-life depends on conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air movement.

What determines whether ozone is a friend or an enemy? The location.

Ozone is both a natural and man-made product. It exists in the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere (the stratosphere) and in the lower layers (the troposphere). Depending on where it is located in the atmosphere, it can have either a positive or negative effect on life on Earth.

Stężenie ozonu zmienia się wraz z wysokością. Szczytowe stężenia, średnio 8 cząsteczek ozonu na milion cząsteczek w atmosferze, występują na wysokości od 30 do 35 kilometrów.
Źródło: NASA Ozone Watch

Ozone in the stratosphere (our friend)

Ninety percent of the ozone on Earth is located in the stratosphere. This is the second layer of the Earth's atmosphere, situated between 10 and 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It is partially responsible for the deep blue beauty of the sky at dusk.

Ozone in the stratosphere forms naturally through a two-step reactive process. Ultraviolet (UV) sunlight interacts with molecular oxygen (O₂). In the first stage, sunlight breaks apart the oxygen molecule, creating two separate oxygen atoms. In the second stage, each atom collides and bonds with another oxygen molecule, forming an ozone molecule (O₃). These reactions occur continuously. As a result, the highest ozone production occurs in the tropical stratosphere. Chemical reactions with reactive gases, such as hydrogen, nitrogen oxides, and also chlorine and bromine, maintain the natural balance of ozone levels.

Ozone layer

Similar to a sponge, the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs about 98% of the harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from the Sun, thereby protecting the Earth's surface. It shields the most energetic UV-C radiation, most of the UV-B radiation, and about half of the UV-A radiation. UV-B and UV-C are so energetic that they can destroy life on Earth. Exposure to UV-B or UV-C radiation can result in sunburns. UV-B radiation also increases the risk of developing cancer and has many other health consequences. At this altitude, ozone is essential for life on Earth.

Słoneczne promieniowanie ultrafioletowe jest w dużej mierze pochłaniane przez ozon w atmosferze – zwłaszcza przez szkodliwe, wysokoenergetyczne promieniowanie UV-a i UV-b. Wykres przedstawia strumień (ilość energii przepływającej przez dany obszar) słonecznego promieniowania ultrafioletowego w górnej części atmosfery (górna linia) i na powierzchni Ziemi (dolna linia). Strumień jest pokazany na skali logarytmicznej, więc każdy znacznik na osi y wskazuje 10 razy więcej energii.
Źródło: NASA Ozone Watch

Ozone Hole

Despite the fact that ozone in the stratosphere is continuously produced and removed through natural processes, industrial pollution "created by humans" causes "new leaks into the bucket," thereby reducing ozone levels in the stratosphere. Ozone-depleting substances contain various combinations of chemical elements: chlorine, fluorine, bromine, carbon, and hydrogen, and are often collectively referred to as halocarbons. Compounds containing only chlorine, fluorine, and carbon are called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform are important ozone-depleting gases produced by humans and are used in various applications, including refrigeration, air conditioning, foam production, cleaning electronic components, and as solvents.

Although CFCs are inert in the troposphere, they can be slowly transported to the stratosphere. There, they break down into molecules like chlorine monoxide (ClO), which depletes ozone by converting it back into oxygen. Another important group of human-made halocarbons are halons, which contain carbon, bromine, fluorine, and (in some cases) chlorine, and are primarily used as fire extinguishing agents.

What happens when the ozone layer degrades, causing it to become significantly thinner in certain areas, is unfortunately all too well known and scientifically documented, as the ozone hole over Antarctica has formed. The term is somewhat misleading, as the ozone layer doesn't actually have a true hole, but rather has become much thinner and depleted.

The image above: view of the South Pole from the NASA TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) satellite. Blue and green indicate relatively high amounts of ozone. Red and yellow markings represent the "ozone hole," an area where ozone depletion has occurred.

The image above: view of the South Pole from the NASA TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) satellite. Blue and green indicate relatively high amounts of ozone. Red and yellow markings represent the "ozone hole," an area where ozone depletion has occurred. Credit: NASA

The bans on the use of various chemicals, especially the CFC group, have led to the gradual regeneration of the ozone layer, with an emphasis on slow restoration. Current projections suggest that it will take more than fifty years before conditions similar to those of the mid-20th century can be reached again.

The reduced ozone levels have led to an increase in the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface. When scientists refer to the ozone hole, they mean the destruction of the stratospheric "good" ozone.

So, if this is good, where do we find what is bad?

Ozone in the troposphere (our enemy)

At the Earth's surface, ozone comes into direct contact with life forms and displays its destructive side (hence it is often called "bad ozone"). Due to its strong reactivity with other molecules, high levels of ozone are toxic to living systems.

In the lower layers of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface (the troposphere), ozone is produced through chemical reactions involving naturally occurring gases and pollutants, primarily as a result of photochemical reactions between two main classes of air pollutants: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). These reactions are partly dependent on the presence of heat and sunlight, which results in higher ozone concentrations in the environment during the summer months, often experienced as "smog" or haze. This can be extremely hazardous to our health and can cause a range of physical ailments, significantly affecting productivity. This is when ozone alerts are triggered.

Health risk assessment

Ozone toxicity occurs on a continuum, where higher concentrations, longer exposure times, and increased physical activity during exposure lead to greater effects. Short-term acute effects include respiratory symptoms, changes in lung function, increased airway reactivity, and inflammation of the airways. Exposure to ozone has been associated with an increased number of hospital admissions due to respiratory causes and asthma exacerbations.

Ozone and How We Use It to Our Advantage

Although ozone is toxic, it is used in various ways to our benefit. Perhaps less known, it is one of the strongest and most environmentally friendly oxidizers, making it one of the most powerful disinfectants in the world, second only to fluorine. It is three thousand times stronger than chlorine. For the past 100 years, ozone has been commercially used to reduce unpleasant odors (think of ozone treatment in cars to get rid of unwanted smells) and to purify water (drinking water treatment for sterilization). This substance is a highly effective antibacterial, bactericidal, and antifungal agent, breaking down organic material into its basic compounds. Its high oxidative potential makes ozone very useful and widely applicable for cleaning clothes, as well as for cleaning and killing mold and bacteria in air streams.

Everything in moderation.

Ozone, like many other things, can be very useful and valuable for human health, depending on its location and concentration. At low concentrations, it is present everywhere in our environment. It forms naturally, even in the troposphere, for example near rapidly moving water, such as waterfalls, or during storms created by lightning discharges. It is no coincidence that the air near a waterfall or after a storm is perceived as fresher because ozone has the mentioned strong cleansing effect and is capable of breaking down pollutants (odors) and microorganisms.

Jednak ozon pozostaje gazem toksycznym o właściwościach chemicznych i toksykologicznych znacznie różniących się od tlenu. Z tego powodu ustanowiono normy zdrowotne i zalecenia dotyczące ograniczenia narażenia ludzi, aby pomóc wyznaczyć granicę między korzystnym detergentem a działaniem drażniącym na zdrowie.

How much ozone is too much?

The EU currently defines the following reference levels for ozone concentrations: - At 0.09 ppm (180 μg/m³), the public should be informed. Sensitive individuals should avoid physical exertion in this environment starting from this concentration. - The alert threshold is set at 0.12 ppm (240 μg/m³). At this level, all individuals should avoid physical activity in this environment. - For prolonged exposure in enclosed spaces, such as workplaces, the EU currently sets the reference level at 0.06 ppm (120 μg/m³). Concentrations below this level are considered safe for human health.

Ponieważ ludzki zmysł węchu może wykryć ozon nawet przy znacznie niższych stężeniach – w zależności od czułości nawet przy 0,02 ppm (40 μg / m³) i mniej, ludzie mają naturalny mechanizm ostrzegawczy.

What is your local air quality index today? Learn here

Bi-polar Ionization and Ozone

Before a storm, there is a very high concentration of pollutants in the air, such as bacteria, allergens, and VOCs. A thunderstorm releases high-voltage electrical discharges, emitting high concentrations of positively and negatively charged ions. The lightning also generates ozone through the electrical excitation of oxygen molecules. The ions produced in this process play a key role in reducing pollution and are crucial in providing us with fresh and clean air in nature.

Ta zasada oczyszczania powietrza osiągnięta przez bipolarną jonizację jest porównywalna z tym naturalnym zjawiskiem. Nasze urządzenia traktują powietrze jak pod wpływem oczyszczającej burzy. Naładowane jony i niewielka ilość ozonu tworzą „aktywowany tlen” – który wiąże zanieczyszczenia w przestrzeni, w której oddychasz – tak jak robi to natura. Aktywowany tlen inicjuje proces utleniania, który zmienia chemicznie cząsteczki zapachu i zarazki. Powstają nowe nieszkodliwe substancje. Aktywowany tlen uszkadza strukturę komórkową zarodników pleśni oraz bakterii, przez co stają się one nieaktywne. Aktywowane powietrze działa jak naturalny środek czyszczący w pomieszczeniu oraz przywraca i ponownie równoważy powietrze w pomieszczeniach zamkniętych.

W procesie dwubiegunowej jonizacji powstaje ozon, jednak mówimy o stężeniach w zakresie 0,01 ppm. Dla porównania, obecna Dyrektywa UE określa wartość 0,06 ppm (120 μg / m³) dla dłuższych pobytów – np. 8 godzin dziennie, 5 dni w tygodniu. W takim przypadku nie ma zagrożenia dla zdrowia ludzi. Ponadto oferujemy sterowanie za pomocą czujników w naszych systemach jonizacji, w których czujniki ozonu są używane do ochrony, aby uniknąć wszelkich zagrożeń lub ewoluujących zagrożeń.

In nature, humans are always exposed to some low concentrations of ozone, which, unless they lead to increased accumulation, do not affect their health.

In conclusion, friend or foe is always subjective in terms of quantity and location. Know your facts before making a judgment.

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phone: +48 32 447 10 20
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Arkadiusz Lazar

Piotr Brandt
phone: +48 790 360 695

Sebastian Musiolik